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Submit a Show

Be sure to fully read these instructions as well as the instructions on the individual fields. Submissions that don't follow the form guidelines will not be listed

Use this form to submit a show. The show will not immediately go up on the site. Using this form does not guarantee that the show will be listed, it merely makes sure the info gets to us in a form that makes it easier to add it to the site. Try to submit your shows at least 1 week in advance to ensure we have time to review your submission before the show date passes.

Our focus is live original music.  We do not list comedy, theater, or cover bands shows. We also do not list open mic or open jam type events. Please do not submit these kinds of events. It just creates more work for us and we will not post them.

Before submitting a show, please check the list to make sure that it isn't listed yet. If the show is at a venue that we regularly list and you don't see it on the site, check the venue site to make sure it's been listed there before submitting it to us. When it goes up on the venue site, it will show up here within 24 hours.

If you are submitting a show as an artist rather than a booker/promoter, make sure you include all of the bands on the bill in your listing.  If the bill isn't complete yet, please don't submit the show.

Please do not list set times with each band.  Set times should be listed at the link you provide for your show.

If your show is published, your will receive a confirmation email.

If there are any problems with this form, please email us at [email protected]

Comma separated list of bands playing. Preferably from last to first. Do not list set times.
DO NOT LIST BANDS HERE. Only use this field if your show itself has a name.
If the venue or event has multiple stages, put the name of the stage for this show here. Outside Stage, Inside Stage, etc...
A web address with details about the event.
Select OTHER VENUE if your venue is not in the list
Door Open at *